Note: Since the event is now over, registration is closed and you can no longer submit this form.

If you're coming, please let us know! It helps us plan group activities and gives us a way to contact you if anything important changes.

All fields are optional, but leaving an email address is highly recommended.

Real Name: ________________
Fandom Alias(es): ________________
Email address: ________________
Interested in attending:
[] June 5 matinee [] June 5 evening
[] June 6 matinee [] June 6 evening
[] Mizzie tour [] Café Procope dinner
[] Montfermeil excursion []Montreuil-sur-Mer excursion
[] Hugo museum    []Sewer museum    [] Carnavalet
Put me on the public guest list? - No thanks
- Fandom alias only
- Fandom alias and email
Comments: ________________

Sorry, registration is closed.

Note: You are responsible for your own expenses, including travel on the excursions. Those going to Montreuil-sur-Mer will be splitting the cost of a guided tour, which will be €5-15 per person depending on the size of the group.
