Carpe Horas

Carpe Horas - Home

Welcome to Carpe Horas, the geekiest Les Misérables fan site on the internet.

Outtakes: Snippets of Hugo's notes and the rough drafts of the book.

History: Resources about 1830s France.

Paris: Maps and images of Paris in the time of Les Misérables.

Musical: Information on cast recordings and a translation of the French libretto.

Fanwork: Icons, fanfiction, and meta.

Fun: Silly JavaScript doohickies for your entertainment.

Tour Guide: Tracking down the traces of Les Misérables in modern Paris.


21 January 2011: Info for the 25th anniversary cast recording is up, as well as some new bits of fanfiction: A Star in the Jaws of the Clouds and To Hide the Sword.

15 August 2010: Belatedly added entries for the 2008 Rotterdam and 2009 Québec cast recordings. This site is also now hosting a static archive of the Les Misérables forum.

27 July 2010: Translated the second chapter of the prostitution digression and the French lyrics to Dog Eat Dog into English.

26 July 2010: Translated the first chapter of the prostitution digression into English.

25 July 2010: Added a translation of the 'Letter from a student' to the history section and a map of the 1831 omnibus routes to the Paris section.

24 July 2010: Added a letter by George Sand on the subject of the June 1832 revolts.

Past updates can be found here.

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